Risky Risk Results
Guess My Name with Decision Trees
Dynamic Programming for Super Six
How to Win a Game (or More) of Super Six
Tupper's Self Referential Formula in R
Anthropometric Birthday Cards
An R Package for Social Roulette
Long time, no see: Virtual Lunch Roulette
Age-Structure Adjusted All-Cause Mortality
Age Stratified All-Cause and COVID-19 Associated Mortality
The Mathematics and Statistics of Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Risk Scoring in Digital Contact Tracing Apps
Superspreading and the Gini Coefficient
Effective reproduction number estimation
Flatten the COVID-19 curve
Scraping the Sugarcoat
Speedmining the Cubing Community with dbplyr
A Shiny app for your perfect circle
Purr yourself into a math genius
Is the answer to everything Gaussian?
Judging Freehand Circle Drawing Competitions
Amazon's Hanging Cable Problem (Golden Gate Edition)
World Income, Inequality and Murder
Factfulness: Building Gapminder Income Mountains
Retracing Prenatal Testing Algorithms
Safe Disposal of Unexploded WWII Bombs
Inkognito - Sequential Bayesian Identity Disclosure
Pair Programming Statistical Analyses
Confidence Intervals without Your Collaborator's Tears
Beware the Argument: The Flint Water Crisis and Quantiles
Estimating the Size of a Demonstration
On a First Name Basis with Statistics Sweden
Did Mary and John go West?
US Baby Name Collisions 1880-2014
Happy pbirthday class of 2016
Naming Uncertainty by the Bootstrap
suRprise! - Classifying Kinder Eggs by Boosting
4x3 R-Hackathoning - The Finisher's Guide
Better Confidence Intervals for Quantiles
Cartograms with R
Surveillance Out of the Box - The #Zombie Experiment
The Olympic Medal Table Visualized Gapminder Style
No Sleep During the Reproducibility Session
Casting Call for MERS-CoV in Korea, 2015
Princes Disguised in Uniforms
Optimal Choice - Mathematical Advice for Real Life
Right or Wrong? - Validate Numbers Like a Boss
When Should One Stop Testing Software?
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